An insurance policy offers you a way to save for the long run while giving you the insurance protection that you need.

Yet, you do not have to necessarily surrender it back to the insurance company when you do not wish to continue one day.

Neither should you let it incur policy loan and lapse. Like most financial assets, you can sell your policy for higher value.

The process of policy selling to another party through absolute assignment is legal, permitted and accepted in Singapore.
Who Are We
CapitaSafe is an independent resale insurance provider specializing in the acquisition of whole life and endowment insurance policies.
We understand that having to give up your insurance policies is never an easy or straightforward decision. Therefore, we are here to guide you through every step of the selling procedure to ensure the safety of your hard-earned capital so that you can feel confident again.
We have been helping policyholders to attain higher policy value and receive more payment than the surrender value by selling their policies instead of terminating them.

Why Choose Us
We are the most experienced team dealing with resale endowment policies in Singapore. Our team members have been around in the industry for as long as 13 years. We have done countless policy assignment over the years and our customers have greatly benefitted from our service.
With our vast experience in dealing with all kinds of life insurance policies, we have also simplified the policy selling process to be as smooth and hassle-free as possible to save time and for you to receive the payment faster.

Highest Offer Price

Response Speed

Service Delivery

High Level Of Trust

How Does This Work?
For all your participating life and endowment policies, there is always a surrender value if you decide to terminate/surrender/cancel before the policy maturity date. It is based on this sum that we will offer and pay a premium above it.
Our offer price will be higher than the surrender value which is why you can be sure of getting more money back by selling your policies to us.

Points To Note
We do not encourage people to give up their existing insurance policies.
However, we do understand circumstances and financial goals might change in life which will render some of your policies to become obsolete, irrelevant or even useless.
Even though you can continue the policy, it may not solve your immediate cashflow needs or serve your long term financial goals. When that happens, then we will have to plan how to exit your policy in the best possible way.

Affiliate Program
Your clients will often look up to you for financial advice being their trusted adviser. If you can help your clients to maximise the amount of money that they can get back, should they need to divest their insurance policies, they will be more appreciative of you for offering them this valued-added service.
We have attractive schemes in place for this group of financial practitioners who would like to partner us under our affiliate program.